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Dr. Ruth M-E. Fiechter - nicknamed Dr. Ruthy


Dr. med. vet. (Vetsuisse Faculty, Zurich)

MSc Environmental Sciences (IEU, University of Zurich)

Deputy manager Wildtier Schweiz, Zurich

Zoo Guide at Zoo Zurich, Zurich


Why I am offering these tours

My non-German speaking colleagues said to me: Ruthy, most of the tours are in German. "Why don’t you also offer your tours in English or even bilingual? That would be great, for we can participate too and even learn German?" - "Sure" I said and started. My participants report that they learn a lot on these tours and get to know people easily now and made new friends.



My great passion for nature and wildlife prompted me to specialize in wildlife biology after my study in veterinary medicine. I built up expertise in mammals, bird, fish, amphibians and reptiles. To convey my knowledge I did a teacher training and for me the icing on the cake is presenting the nature’s jewels to others and awakening people’s fascination!



Birds - Fieldornithology (Birdife)

Amphibians and Reptils - Fieldherpetology (karch)

Mammals - CAS Small mammals (ZHAW)

Fish - Ichtiology (eawag)


Teaching Certificates

Excursion Guide (BirdLife)

Environmental Teacher (ETH)


Field of interest

Ornithology field mapping

Amphibian monitoring

Small mammal monitoring and teaching (SGW + UNI ZH)

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